Source code for gpytorch.priors.lkj_prior

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import math
from numbers import Number

import torch
from torch.distributions import constraints
from torch.nn import Module as TModule

from .. import settings
from ..utils.cholesky import psd_safe_cholesky
from .prior import Prior

class LKJPrior(Prior):
    r"""LKJ prior over n x n (positive definite) correlation matrices

    .. math:

            pdf(\Sigma) ~ |\Sigma| ^ (\eta  - 1)

    where :math:`\eta > 0` is a shape parameter.

    Reference: Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd ed., Gelman et al., p. 576

    arg_constraints = {"n": constraints.positive_integer, "eta": constraints.positive}
    # TODO: move correlation matrix validation upstream into pytorch
    support = constraints.positive_definite
    _validate_args = True

    def __init__(self, n, eta, validate_args=False):
        if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 1:
            raise ValueError("n must be a positive integer")
        if isinstance(eta, Number):
            eta = torch.tensor(float(eta))
        self.n = torch.tensor(n, dtype=torch.long, device=eta.device)
        batch_shape = eta.shape
        event_shape = torch.Size([n, n])
        # Normalization constant(s)
        i = torch.arange(n, dtype=eta.dtype, device=eta.device)
        C = (((2 * eta.view(-1, 1) - 2 + i) * i).sum(1) * math.log(2)).view_as(eta)
        C += n * torch.sum(2 * torch.lgamma(i / 2 + 1) - torch.lgamma(i + 2))
        # need to assign values before registering as buffers to make argument validation work
        self.eta = eta
        self.C = C
        super(LKJPrior, self).__init__(batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args)
        # now need to delete to be able to register buffer
        del self.eta, self.C
        self.register_buffer("eta", eta)
        self.register_buffer("C", C)

    def log_prob(self, X):
        if any(s != self.n for s in X.shape[-2:]):
            raise ValueError("Correlation matrix is not of size n={}".format(self.n.item()))
        if not _is_valid_correlation_matrix(X):
            raise ValueError("Input is not a valid correlation matrix")
        log_diag_sum = psd_safe_cholesky(X, upper=True).diagonal(dim1=-2, dim2=-1).log().sum(-1)
        return self.C + (self.eta - 1) * 2 * log_diag_sum

class LKJCholeskyFactorPrior(LKJPrior):
    r"""LKJ prior over n x n (positive definite) Cholesky-decomposed
    correlation matrices

    .. math:

            pdf(\Sigma) ~ |\Sigma| ^ (\eta  - 1)

    where :math:`\eta > 0` is a shape parameter and n is the dimension of the
    correlation matrix.

    LKJCholeskyFactorPrior is different from LKJPrior in that it accepts the
    Cholesky factor of the correlation matrix to compute probabilities.

    support = constraints.lower_cholesky

    def log_prob(self, X):
        if any(s != self.n for s in X.shape[-2:]):
            raise ValueError("Cholesky factor is not of size n={}".format(self.n.item()))
        if not _is_valid_correlation_matrix_cholesky_factor(X):
            raise ValueError("Input is not a Cholesky factor of a valid correlation matrix")
        log_diag_sum = torch.diagonal(X, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).log().sum(-1)
        return self.C + (self.eta - 1) * 2 * log_diag_sum

[docs]class LKJCovariancePrior(LKJPrior): """LKJCovariancePrior combines an LKJ prior over the correlation matrix and a user-specified prior over marginal standard deviations to return a prior over the full covariance matrix. Usage: LKJCovariancePrior(n, eta, sd_prior), where n is a positive integer, the size of the covariance matrix, eta is a positive shape parameter for the LKJPrior over correlations, and sd_prior is a scalar Prior over nonnegative numbers, which is used for each of the n marginal standard deviations on the covariance matrix. """ def __init__(self, n, eta, sd_prior, validate_args=False): if not isinstance(sd_prior, Prior): raise ValueError("sd_prior must be an instance of Prior") if not isinstance(n, int): raise ValueError("n must be an integer") if sd_prior.event_shape not in {torch.Size([1]), torch.Size([n])}: raise ValueError("sd_prior must have event_shape 1 or n") correlation_prior = LKJPrior(n=n, eta=eta, validate_args=validate_args) if sd_prior.batch_shape != correlation_prior.batch_shape: raise ValueError("sd_prior must have same batch_shape as eta") TModule.__init__(self) super(LKJPrior, self).__init__( correlation_prior.batch_shape, correlation_prior.event_shape, validate_args=False ) self.correlation_prior = correlation_prior self.sd_prior = sd_prior def log_prob(self, X): marginal_var = torch.diagonal(X, dim1=-2, dim2=-1) if not torch.all(marginal_var >= 0): raise ValueError("Variance(s) cannot be negative") marginal_sd = marginal_var.sqrt() sd_diag_mat = _batch_form_diag(1 / marginal_sd) correlations = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(sd_diag_mat, X), sd_diag_mat) log_prob_corr = self.correlation_prior.log_prob(correlations) log_prob_sd = self.sd_prior.log_prob(marginal_sd) return log_prob_corr + log_prob_sd
def _batch_form_diag(tsr): """Form diagonal matrices in batch mode.""" eye = torch.eye(tsr.shape[-1], dtype=tsr.dtype, device=tsr.device) M = tsr.unsqueeze(-1).expand(tsr.shape + tsr.shape[-1:]) return eye * M def _is_valid_correlation_matrix(Sigma, tol=1e-6): """Check if supplied matrix is a valid correlation matrix A matrix is a valid correlation matrix if it is positive semidefinite, and if all diagonal elements are equal to 1. Args: Sigma: A n x n correlation matrix, or a batch of b correlation matrices with shape b x n x n tol: The tolerance with which to check unit value of the diagonal elements Returns: True if Sigma is a valid correlation matrix, False otherwise (in batch mode, all matrices in the batch need to be valid correlation matrices) """ if settings.verbose_linalg.on(): settings.verbose_linalg.logger.debug(f"Running symeig on a matrix of size {Sigma.shape}.") evals = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(Sigma) if not torch.all(evals >= -tol): return False return all(torch.all(torch.abs(S.diag() - 1) < tol) for S in Sigma.view(-1, *Sigma.shape[-2:])) def _is_valid_correlation_matrix_cholesky_factor(L, tol=1e-6): """Check if supplied matrix is a Cholesky factor of a valid correlation matrix A matrix is a Cholesky fator of a valid correlation matrix if it is lower triangular, has positive diagonal, and unit row-sum Args: L: A n x n lower-triangular matrix, or a batch of b lower-triangular matrices with shape b x n x n tol: The tolerance with which to check positivity of the diagonal and unit-sum of the rows Returns: True if L is a Cholesky factor of a valid correlation matrix, False otherwise (in batch mode, all matrices in the batch need to be Cholesky factors of valid correlation matrices) """ unit_row_length = torch.all((torch.norm(L, dim=-1) - 1).abs() < tol) return unit_row_length and torch.all(constraints.lower_cholesky.check(L))